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Keep Calm and Carry On

Air Freshener

  • five pack of 'Keep Calm' Air Fresheners
  • ...makes a grey day smell nicer
  • five pack of 'Keep Calm' Air Fresheners

Pack of 5 Air fresheners for your car…

Each of the 5 different colours in this pack of ‘Keep Calm and Carry On’ air fresheners has a different smell:

Red: Vanilla

Lime Green: Fresh Jasmine

Navy Blue: New Car

Lawn Green: Forest

Orange: Citrus

Helps cut down Road Rage. When some asshole cuts you up in traffic, or nips into that parking space you were waiting for, simply read the message and take heed…


And you’re calm again.

Product info
Item Colour Size Quantity Availability Price
"Keep Calm and Carry On" Air Freshener White on Assorted In Stock 1 × £6.44 = £6.44 Add to Cart